Mar 02 2022

Celeste’s New DIY Recipes

Hello Sweet Souls! In case we’ve never met before - let me introduce myself! I’m Celeste, sister of Blathie and cosmic educator, ha! Most of you may know that I visit your islands sometimes when there are shooting stars to gift you with DIY recipes, so don't forget to come and say hello if you see me!

In addition to recipes, I can also give you a star piece or zodiac fragment, depending on the time of year. DIY Recipes can include space themed items, zodiac collectibles, home furnishings and wands. You’ll need the fragments for almost all of the DIY’s, so make sure you keep them safe! Fragments can also be collected on the beach, the morning after a night of wishing upon shooting stars. Isn’t that beautiful!

To wish upon a star, make sure you keep your eye on the night sky and have your volume turned up. When you hear a jingle or see a shooting star, look up (make sure you don't have any tools equipped), and press A. Your character will face the screen and put their hands together to make a wish. Keep looking up for two to three more seconds as usually there will be two or three shooting stars in quick succession.

There are so many DIY recipes to make with inspiration from the stars; and speaking of inspiration - I get much of my inspiration from gazing upon the stars and studying their movements across the sky. I record these insights every month for readers of our lovely magazine so don’t forget to subscribe here so that you can enjoy them too.

See you next month and happy stargazing.

The Crossing Board