Jan 21 2022

Villager Spotlight: A Musical Afternoon with Marshal

Hello Resident Reps, today’s villager spotlight features everyone’s favourite fluffy-tailed, smug squirrel villager - Marshal. This adorable villager was introduced in Animal Crossing New Leaf and later in Pocket Camp and most recently, New Horizons.

I recently spent an afternoon with Marshal in his cozy, cafe-inspired home and was pleasantly surprised to discover that there was more to this villager than a fluffy tail and sulky eyes.

Interviewer : Hello Marshal, thanks so much for having me over today. I love the cozy vibes of your home.

Marshal : Ciao Bella, it’s a pleasure to have you.

Interviewer : Tell us a little a bit your outfit of the day.

Marshal : Being a well-travelled man of mystery, I like to mix things up a little by putting unexpected pieces together.

Interviewer : Does your philosophy on fashion extend to your home decor choices?

Marshal : A little bit yes, a little bit no. I’m a cat who loves the coffee scene but I also love to cook and as you know enjoy music. So I put these elements together for my abode and the glitter happened.

Interviewer : Tell us a little bit about your music hobby. What are your favourite genres?

Marshal : You see, since my younger days, I’ve always had a sensitive ear and I listened to a lot of classical masters - Mozart, Chopin, Tchaikovsky. Later jazz became a passion.

Interviewer : You write and play your own music and Judy - another villager is believed to be your muse and favourite songbird?

Marshal : (chuckles) Judy has stars in her eyes and in my heart. We make sweet music together. It’s a beautiful thing.

Interviewer : I hear you also write poetry?

Marshal : I’ve written an ode or two about love and the stars. Persistence pays off and I know one day she’ll accept me.

Interviewer: Well only time will tell Marshal. We wish you the best of luck on the island, with your music and with matters of the heart.

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